Manufacturing in Mexico:  What it takes to make the move

Manufacturing in Mexico: What it takes to make the move

Join Benjamin Hopwood and Hugo Loris for our 30 minute webinar and Q&A on Manufacturing in Mexico to get an understanding of what you need to know about transitioning your supply chain.

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About the Webinar

With the change in global supply chains, were you curious about what the benefits and drawbacks are for manufacturing in Mexico?

As companies seek to diversify their supply chains, Mexico offers proximity, modern infrastructure, access to ports for global distribution and a highly skilled, well-educated workforce.

Join Benjamin Hopwood and Hugo Loria for our 30 minute On Demand webinar on Manufacturing in Mexico: What it takes to make the move to get an understanding of what you need to know about transitioning your supply chain.

What you will learn:

  • Trends with Mexico manufacturing
  • Benefits of the USMCA agreement
  • What models work (and which don’t)
  • Key considerations
  • Transition time and complexity


Head of Supply Chain - Gembah

Benjamin Hopwood

Gembah’s Head of Supply Chain, Benjamin Hopwood is a global leader in supply chain management and product production leading teams in China, Mexico, India, Vietnam, and Thailand. Prior to joining Gembah, Hopwood was the Chief Technology Officer for PRENOVA Technologies and general manager of Beckett Asia Pacific with over 15 years of global product development, manufacturing and supply chain. He specializes in the launch of disruptive, high-tech products from concept to prototype to mass-market.

An alliance builder with fifteen years of global experience, Hopwood is fluent in complex hardware product lifecycle development and is an experienced presenter on global supply chain diversification. His joint work with Wal-Mart China: Sustainable Operations Strategy was published by Richard Ivey School of Business and is still taught in global MBAs.

Director of Production - Gembah Central and South America

Hugo Loria

Gembah’s Director of Production in the Central & South America Region, Hugo Loria is highly experienced in procurement and supply chain management, specializing in national and international sourcing, supplier and product development.

Prior to joining Gembah, Loria has developed factories in the region for over twenty years, working with major retailers worldwide. Hugo’s background includes working and living in the United States while at JCPenney, afterwards collaborating with Carrefour (France), C&A (Holland) and major retail chains in Mexico. His expertise in manufacturing and logistics have achieved strong long-term partnerships with factories in Colombia, Peru, Spain, Italy, China, India, Vietnam, among others.