Private Label Home Decor

You don’t have to figure everything out on your own. With the support of our network of industry experts, you’ll be able to connect with the right partners to develop your product, work through the logistics, and enjoy a successful launch.

  • Find experts from the home decor industry

  • Get connected with the top manufacturers

  • Use our platform to manage the details

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How Gembah can help you find & source private label home decor.

There’s a lot of competition within the home decor industry, but our experts know how to develop products that stand out to customers for all the right reasons.

Expert guidance.

Each product designer and sourcing professional from our network is an industry veteran.

Details handled.

Our experts can help simplify the process of getting your home decor product to market.

New opportunities.

The professionals within our network are happy to assist you as you explore new products.

The proven network of home decor manufacturers.

Once you’re ready to begin production, the manufacturers from our network will help you navigate the process and get exceptional results.

Full steam ahead.

Supported by our manufacturers, the process becomes easier and moves at a faster pace.

Committed to quality.

Create top-notch products that delight your customers and keep them coming back for more.

Reliable support.

Thanks to a talented support team, you’ll be able to navigate the industry and find success.

Your Homebase for managing all the details.

We’ve created a user-friendly platform that brings clarity to the development and manufacturing process. Our technology helps you focus on the right priorities and enjoy a smoother experience all around.

Be a true partner with your manufacturer.

Our platform makes it easy to contact manufacturers any time that you have questions, ideas, or instructions.

Ensure everything keeps moving along.

Milestones matter in the manufacturing process, so you’ll have visibility into the process and get important updates.

Help make your customers’ houses into homes.

Our predictable and expedited process allows you to get your home decor products to market faster and with fewer snags along the way.

answers to everything you need to get started

Frequently asked questions.

What are private label products?

A private label product is produced by a company to be sold exclusively under its brand name. An external manufacturer might be involved in the process, but the company controls everything from the product’s specifications to the quality standards. They then sell the product to consumers.

What’s the difference between private label & white label products?

Private label products are exclusive to a certain company that has oversight on the specifications and quality during the manufacturing process, then sells this product directly to end consumers. White label products, on the other hand, have no logos and aren’t exclusive to a single brand. This anonymity allows a manufacturer to sell identical products to multiple companies.

Why should you use private labels?

Private label products give you an undeniable edge because no competitors can sell identical products. This means you’re in control of the manufacturing process, allowing you to build brand loyalty through quality, customization, and a consistent customer experience.

Can private label products reduce unit costs?

While white label products are often less expensive to manufacture, their generic presence in the marketplace limits how much money you can make on the back end. A private label product can still be manufactured at an affordable cost and offers the potential for much better profitability because you can charge higher prices and enjoy higher margins.

Sourcing Agents
Find potential manufacturers in China
Find potential manufacturers globally
Provide boots-on-the-ground for quality control.
Work directly with the manufacturer.
Manage all communication in one dashboard.
Support protecting IP and product ideas.

Customer success stories

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companies love Gembah.

Explore Gembah’s platform & find the right manufacturer for your brand.